April in the Vail Valley is the time to take our bikes out of storage, assess any damage from last year, dream about buying a new bike, and then quickly start figuring out which trails are open to ride. The first thought is, can I escape to Fruita or Moab? The second thought is Eagle, the banana belt of the Vail Valley, ready to ride yet? Yes, Fruita and Moab are both almost always open for riding. Boneyard, Redneck Ridge, and the first two loops of Haymaker have been riding great in Eagle for a few weeks now. Even the...

Trail Etiquette Refresher
Many of us are excited to get outside and enjoy the 500+ miles of trail we are fortunate to recreate on in the Vail Valley. On the trail we may encounter a number of different user groups including mountain bikers, hikers, trail runners, equestrians, and motorized. Even though we may use different methods of travel on the trail, there’s a good chance we are all using the trail for some of the same reasons. Trails can be an escape to get outside, appreciate our environment, exercise, social engagement, adventure, and for plain old fun. As we quickly move into spring...

Hiring! Adopt a Ranger position
Ranger Position posted – plus Vail Daily coverage The Ranger position responsible for the Adopt a Trail program has been posted. The details are listed at Adopt a Trail Ranger Job Description This position will work with the Adopt a Trail coordinator under the VVMBA with support from the USFS including transportation and a uniform. Big thanks to the Vail Daily for covering the Adopt-A-Trail program. Fundraising efforts are still underway – please share and let’s get as many trail enthusiasts involved as possible!

Impacts to Wildlife: Mountain Biking-Specific Research
This post is excerpted from the IMBA article “Environmental Impacts of Mountain Biking: Science Review and Best Practices” by Jeff Marion and Jeremy Wimpey. The full article can be read on IMBA.com. The impacts of mountain biking on wildlife are similar to those of hikers and other non motorized trail users. Taylor and Knight (2003) investigated the interactions of wildlife and trail users (hikers and mountain bikers) at Antelope Island State Park in Utah. A hidden observer using an optical rangefinder recorded bison, mule deer, and pronghorn antelope response to an assistant who hiked or biked a section of trail....

Adopt a Trail Program Kickoff Event a Success
Tuesday, June 21 marked the first ever Eagle County Trail Adoption Opportunity. The full house event was attended by people curious to learn more about trail adoption, supporters that made the program possible and organizations that wanted to adopt a trail. Long time trail advocate, John Shipp donated appetizers and his Dusty Boot location in Beaver Creek to host the event. A brief presentation was given before the adoptions began. Aaron Mayville, the White River District Ranger, kicked things off by giving a little insight into the Adopt-A-Trail history and creation. The Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District has over 600 miles...