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Support VVMBA, a chapter of IMBA, through your tax deductible membership or donation.

Your financial support is vital to furthering VVMBA’s mission of establishing Eagle County, Colorado as a premier global mountain biking destination.

Local trail advocacy takes both volunteer time and regular funding.  Donations to VVMBA go directly towards helping to plan, build and maintain local trails as well as hosting events that support the growth, solidarity and education of our local trails community.  Together, with your financial support, we can train skilled trail crew leaders, purchase tools and supplies, and help address community trail needs, working alongside local, state and federal regulatory entities.

VVMBA is a 100% volunteer-run 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization. This means, in most cases, your donations should be tax deductible.  With no board or staff compensation, all of your donations go directly towards advancing VVMBA projects and efforts. We greatly appreciate any amount from $1 – $10,000 and specifically recognize the following levels of contribution:

Bronze Level: $250

  • VVMBA Facebook Page thank you post
  • Name recognition on website ‘Supporter’ page
  • Recognition on Quarterly e-news updates

Silver Level: $500

  • All Bronze level benefits
  • Small logo on our tool box
  • Name recognition on website ‘Supporters’ page
  • Name recognition on table/booth banner

Gold Level: $1000

  • All Silver level benefits
  • Large logo on our tool box
  • Name on table/booth banner
  • Name + logo on website ‘Supporters’ page

Platinum Level: $2500

  • All Gold level benefits
  • Business Logo on VVMBA homepage with link to their site (rotating banner ad)
  • Logo posted at all Major VVMBA events

Please help support VVMBA’s mission of establishing Eagle County, Colorado as a premier global mountain biking destination. Donate directly to the Vail Valley Mountain Bike Association Today!