How to Volunteer
As an entirely volunteer organization, the VVMBA relies on a small army of locals dedicated to soft surface trails in the Vail Valley. Without these incredible volunteers the VVMBA would not exist. Every volunteer hour contributed has a measurable positive impact, so get on board to help us build and maintain your favorite trail!
A schedule of volunteer opportunities is kept up to date on VVMBA’s calendar, but please join our email distribution list and follow VVMBA on Facebook to stay completely current, as the schedule can change based upon weather conditions and other factors. No advanced sign up is required for regular trail work days – you can just show up with closed toe shoes, gloves and water ready to dig!
VVMBA volunteer opportunities start with participating in one or many regular weekly trail work days – where safety and fun are the top priorities. No experience is required and you’ll quickly develop your own style in helping to sculpt sweet singletrack. Building trails is a thoroughly rewarding experience on many levels – provides a creative outlet, is an incredible workout, helps build social relationships, and contributes to your community. In 2015 the general schedule is to work on Wyse Way in the West Avon Preserve every other Wednesday evening and to work on the Berry Creek rerouting in Edwards every other Thursday evening (alternating weeks between these two projects). Our calendar, email distribution and Facebook provide details and updates.
There’s some great support in Eagle for what they’re doing, but we’d love to see more people from the upper Valley communities get engaged. Anybody can do it. If you want to get your kids involved, there’s even work that they can help do. ~Kat Sedillo, Vice President, VVMBA
Volunteers who wish to really leverage their volunteer time with VVMBA can become trained trail crew leaders by attending one of VVMBA’s training sessions, or a similar training session conducted by IMBA, VOC and other groups. Becoming a trail crew leader magnifies the impact of your volunteered time many times over. VVMBA’s trail crew leader team is what allows VVMBA to manage large volunteer days with Vail Resorts, VOC and others. As a trail crew leader you will learn and employ valuable people management and motivation skills that are applicable in all aspects of life. Our calendar, email distribution and Facebook will provide details and updates on trail crew leader training events or you may reach out to the VVMBA Board to learn more at vailvmba@vvmba.org .
Check out our event calendar and sign up to volunteer with the VVMBA today!